JSON file: what is it and what is it used for on web pages?
The JSON format is us to structure data in text form and allows the exchange of information between applications in a simple, lightweight and fast way. That is why it is so important to know how it is structur and the main differences with the XML model.
Ivan de Souza
Aug 19, 21 | 7 min read
Understand what JSON file is and how it influences web pages
Reading time: 6 minutes
JSON, which stands for JavaScript Object Notation , is a format us to structure data in text form and transmit it from one system to another , such as in client-server applications or mobile applications.
One way to use it is through AJAX requests, in which the application retrieves the data stor on the hosting server without the ne to reload the page.
The JSON file specification emerg around 2000
but only became part of the JavaScript language after the release of ECMAScript version 5.
Currently, various types of programming languages support this format, in addition to being a lighter alternative to the XML model .
To explain this concept and the importance palau email list 100000 contact leads of this format, we made this post, in which we are going to show:
In practice, .json is a file that contains a series of structur data in text format and is us to transfer information between systems . It is important to note that, despite its origin being in the JavaScript language, JSON is not a programming language.
JSON is a data transfer notation that follows a specific standard. Therefore, it can be us in different programming and system languages.
The data contain in a JSON file must be structur as a collection of name-value pairs or must be an order list of values. Its elements must contain:
Key : corresponds to the content identifier. Therefore, it must be a string delimit by quotation marks.
Value : Represents the corresponding content and can contain the following data types: string, array, object, number, boolean, or null.
What is the JSON model us for?
Data transfer between applications is carri out through API —Application Programming Interface— which, among other formats, uses JSON notation to structure the information sent.
The JSON file is also us to make AJAX requests on websites , in which different interactions are made with databases, such as MySql, to perform operations such as querying, including and excluding records.
Another way to use .json files is for project management in different programming languages. Node.js, for example, uses a file call package.json in its projects to store the dependencies us in the application.
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What are the main features of this format?
.json files contain some specific features that make this specification more attractive for use in applications that consume data from other systems. Check out the main ones below.
Independent language
The simplicity with which data is structur in the JSON format allows it to be us in any type of programming language.
Moreover, it can be manipulat on different platforms, such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and on various types of systems, such as web applications and mobile applications.
JSON file format
In addition to the .json ending on all files that use this format, the stor data must follow a specific notation, that is, they ne to be organiz with the following basic elements:
Braces { } are us to delimit objects and are requir to start and end content.
Brackets [ ] are us to indicate an array.
Colon : Us to separate the key and its corresponding value.
Comma , us to indicate the separation between elements.
Below are some examples of how data should
be relat in a .json file.What are the differences between .json and .xml?
Another format us for exchanging data between applications is XML, Extensible Markup Language. Although it is also a text file, there are some differences between the two models. Take a look at the main ones.
The first difference between the two what is ui and how is it us in saas marketing? models is the way data is notat. As mention, JSON uses a simple notation, while XML uses a custom tag structure to represent objects . In addition, they must contain the pair, that is, the opening and closing tag.
Another feature of XML notation is that content does not ne to be delimit with quotes, as is the case with texts in the JSON format.
In it, what indicates the beginning and end cg leads of the information are the opening and closing tags. Look at the following example: